16–22 Dec 2022
Facultad de Ciencias and ONLINE https://rediris.zoom.us/j/83767424733
Europe/Madrid timezone

Over the Rainbow ... of Gravitational Waves

22 Dec 2022, 11:00
Seminario de Física Teórica y ONLINE https://rediris.zoom.us/j/83767424733

Seminario de Física Teórica y ONLINE https://rediris.zoom.us/j/83767424733


Diego Blas (UAB/IFAE)


Gravitational waves from different frequencies bring information about different phenomena of the Universe. CMB studies, Ligo-Virgo-Kagra, PTA and LISA-like missions are able to provide relevant information in several bands, but leave some gaps where new signals may be hiding. In this talk, I’ll first give an overview of the different phenomena probed and main detection strategies at different frequencies After that, I‘ll focus on two gaps poorly studied by these searches (the microHz band and gravitational waves above kHz) and describe why they are important and some ideas to reach interesting sensitivities.

Presentation materials