WG4 Meeting

Rodrigo Gracia Ruiz

People present: Rodrigo G. Ruiz, Jose Manuel Carmona, Carlos Perez, Pepe Cortes, Juande Zornoza, Mariam Tortola, Anca Tureanu, Christoph Ternes, Pablo Mart'inez. (Bruny Baret and Thomas Stuttard encountered some last time issues and couldn't be present).

We discussed the following topics.

Review Draft

The action will write a review of quantum gravity phenomenology for 2021. This review will contain one section dedicated to theory, and sections dedicated to each messenger, where the phenomenological and experimental aspects will be covered.

The neutrino group has started drafting a table of contents in the following google drive document: 


  • The goal for the Granada meeting is to turn this document into a detailed table of contents. This will be shared in Granada with the rest of the working groups. 
  • The plan is to work on this document during the next few weeks and to meet again by the end of February in order to finalise this table of contents before the Granada meeting.
  • Anybody in the group can edit the different sections of the document above. Remember that you need a gmail address to be able to edit the document. Please, send it to us if you didn't do it yet.
  • It has been proposed (Pepe Cort'es) to structure the text into three main sections: Neutrino production, neutrino propagation, and neutrino detection. Each of these sections will contain their corresponding phenomenology and experimental subsections. There was a general agreement with this idea. 
  • For the writing, one or two persons will be assigned for each topic, and these persons will write the text for their corresponding section(s).
  • A member of the working group (not yet identified), will be in charge of collecting the different contributions from the group and to port them into a latex document that will be shared with the rest of the working groups (In order to avoid possible issues, we want to reduce the number of people editing the latex document as much as possible). This will happen after Granada. 

Database of experimental contraints to quantum gravity models

  • This is another of the action's goals. 
  • Database is perhaps not the best term for what we want to implement
  • We have to collect all the experimental constraints to quantum gravity models, and arrange them somewhere ( a few resources such as a wiki page have been proposed, but this has not been decided yet)
  • This can be done in parallel to the writing of the draft. 

Granada Conference

  • The Granada conference is scheduled from the 10 to 13 March 2020. 
  • The registration deadline is set for the 24th of February. For those who intend to get financed by the Action, you should bare in mind that the budget for covering the conference expenses will be assigned in a "first come-first served" basis.
  • The deadline to request a contribution for the conference is the 15th of February.
  • So far it seems that there are more requested oral contributions than what we can allocate in the agenda. A selection will be needed.
  • The selection criteria will be based on the common interest of the contributions to the action's goals (topics related to quantum gravity have preference, and topics in common with other working groups will have preference).
  • The presenters of those contributions that are not selected as oral will be proposed to prepare a poster instead.  
  • The selection will be made and notified to all the presenters no later than two days after the deadline (this is, by the 17th of February), in order to give time for experimental collaborations to review the contributions.

Next meeting

  • A doodle will be circulated to meet again by the end of February
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.