- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
We reviewed and discussed the preliminary proposals for the contents of a few of the subsections. These proposals can be found attached to the corresponding slots in the time table below.
The discussion was missing for the sections on atmospheric neutrinos, accelerator neutrinos and neutrino-less double beta decays.
We decided to change the name of section 4.3 to something else. The name for this section is not yet decided.
We also decided to change the order in some subsections from 4.2 and updated the table of contents for section 4:
The preliminary number of pages associated to each subsection has also been added in that document (next to the subsection titles.)
Finally, we decided to meet again during the second half of September. I will send around a doodle poll on the second week of September, when people with teaching duties are expected to know their availability.
The goal is to have a first version of each subsection written by the end of September, so that it can be put in common with the rest of the sections in the review.
I will also contact again the chairpersons of the sections that were not reviewed.