COST CA18108 Workshop on theoretical and experimental advances in quantum gravity - Belgrade (Serbia)

Faculty of Physics, Belgrade (Serbia)

Faculty of Physics, Belgrade (Serbia)

Studentski trg 12

Welcome to the Workshop on theoretical and experimental advances in quantum gravity organised by  COST Action CA18108

"Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach"

Speakers: please send your presentations in advance to Marjan Cirkovic,


Zoom link for talks and discussion session:

Conference dinner

Friday September 2 at 8pm.

Restaurant "Velika Skadarlija", Skadarska 40d, Beograd 11000

 This workshop is organized by COST Action CA18108 (, an initiative funded by the COST Association (, aiming to enable researchers from different communities of quantum gravity theorists and phenomenologists and gamma-ray, neutrino, cosmic-ray and gravitational-wave experimentalists to learn about each other's work and cooperate on the goal of developing new strategies for testing candidate quantum gravity theories using multi-messenger high-energy astrophysical observations.  

The workshop precedes the COST CA18108 Second Training School. It will feature presentations and discussions on the following topics:

- Black hole physics
- Non-commutative and braided field theory
- AdS/CFT correspondence and cosmology
- Quantum space-time and non-commutative geometries
- Multi-messenger analyses
- Systematic vs stochastic time delays

We have a very limited number of invited participants, but the workshop is open to everyone who can attend with their own funding.


Aug 31 Arrival Day

Sep 1 - Sep 3 Workshop dates

Telegram group for last-minute announcements: