Speakers: please send your presentations in advance to Marjan Cirkovic, marjan.cirkovic@ff.bg.ac.rs
Zoom link for talks and discussion session: https://cern.zoom.us/j/64304262490?pwd=NzJwZ2xYdkVoV2RqMmFtb05rMDJjUT09
Conference dinner
Friday September 2 at 8pm.
Restaurant "Velika Skadarlija", Skadarska 40d, Beograd 11000
This workshop is organized by COST Action CA18108 (https://qg-mm.unizar.es/), an initiative funded by the COST Association (https://www.cost.eu/), aiming to enable researchers from different communities of quantum gravity theorists and phenomenologists and gamma-ray, neutrino, cosmic-ray and gravitational-wave experimentalists to learn about each other's work and cooperate on the goal of developing new strategies for testing candidate quantum gravity theories using multi-messenger high-energy astrophysical observations.
The workshop precedes the COST CA18108 Second Training School. It will feature presentations and discussions on the following topics:
- Black hole physics
- Non-commutative and braided field theory
- AdS/CFT correspondence and cosmology
- Quantum space-time and non-commutative geometries
- Multi-messenger analyses
- Systematic vs stochastic time delays
We have a very limited number of invited participants, but the workshop is open to everyone who can attend with their own funding.
Aug 31 Arrival Day
Sep 1 - Sep 3 Workshop dates
Telegram group for last-minute announcements: https://t.me/+xgd4Koku8MMzZTE0